brigi's virtual solutions

pivot Mastermind
BY Brigi

"The only move that matters is your next one!"
Jenny Blake!

EXPERIENCE THE world of PiVOT METHOD from the comfort of your home!

Careers are not linear, predictable ladders any longer; they are fluid trajectories. No matter our age, life stage, bank account balance, or seniority, we are all being asked to navigate career changes much more frequently than in years past. The average employee tenure in America is just four to five years, and even those roles change dramatically within that time. Our economy now demands that we create businesses and careers based on creativity, growth, and impact. In this dynamic world of work, the only move that matters is your next one.

Drawing from her own experience and those of other successful pivoters, Jenny Blake has created a four-stage process that teaches anyone how to seamlessly and continually:

  • Double-down on existing strengths, interests, and experiences
  • Find new opportunities and identify skills to develop without falling prey to analysis-paralysis and compare-and-despair
  • Run small experiments to determine next steps
  • Take smart risks to launch with confidence in a new direction

Jenny Blake is an author, career and business strategist and international speaker who loves helping people move beyond burnout to build sustainable, dynamic careers and heart-based businesses they love.

We’ll structure our calls loosely around Jenny Blake’s Pivot book and method—a strategic process for navigating change and mapping your next move.

Come and join our #PIVOTmastermind group!

  • We will meet recurring bi-weekly in small groups of max. 10
  • Meeting will last 45 minutes every other week
  • The program will last 3 months.

This #PIVOTmastermind group will provide consistent accountability, encouragement, and brainstorming opportunities for you with like minded heart-centered creative small business owners.

Our estimated start date in June 1, 2023. You will received further details via email.

READY FOR your mastermind EXPERIENCE?

Sign up to book your place now!

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